a. respect human rights according to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and International Labour Organization Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work;
b. do not engage in or tolerate bribery, corruption, money laundering or finance of terrorism;
c. support transparency of government payments and rights-compatible security forces in the extractives industry;
d. do not provide direct or indirect support to illegal armed groups;
e. enable stakeholders to voice concerns about the jewellery supply chain; and
f. are implementing the OECD five-step framework as a management process for risk-based due diligence for responsible supply chains of minerals from conflict-affected and high-risk areas.
a. torture, cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment;
b. forced or compulsory labour;
c. the worst forms of child labour;
d. human rights violations and abuses; or
e. war crimes, violations of international humanitarian law, crimes against humanity or genocide.
Henry Curteis
Managing Director
June 2022
(Review date: June, 2024)